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Accessibility Mission Statement

The Wildcat Shop is committed to creating an inclusive and inviting environment for all of our customers within our store and on our website. Some of our users, including students, prospective students, and employees, have visual, hearing, or cognitive impairments that create challenges in accessing websites and require the use of assistive technologies such as screen readers and text-only browsers. To serve our customers, we have transformed our site to comply as best as possible with WCAG 2.0 Level AA accessibility standards. This process works to increase accessibility for those with disabilities, but also to simplify the experiences for all customers on our site.

Want to make your site accessible?

Here are some guidelines for checking web accessibility:

  • Validate HTML: ensures that a screen reader can reiterate the content for the user. This can be done with an HTML validator.

  • Color and Contrast Test: verifies that the colors on the site are easy to differentiate.

  • Recognizability of Links: links should be underlined.

  • Alternate text: Videos and photos including informational content should have a caption or description.

  • Keyboard: Site should be navigable with the “Tab” key.

  • Screen Reader: A screen reader should be able to effectively navigate and inform the user of site content.

  • Accessibility checker: online tools can also be used to check your website’s accessibility. See University of Illinois’s Functional Accessibility Evaluator.

Additional Information

There are many resources that can help any website reach WCAG 2.0 accessibility standards. Here are some of our favorites that have helped us with our process:

Need accessible course materials?

The Wildcat Shop provides accessible course materials through the Central Access program. In collaboration with Disability Services, the Central Access program converts print course materials to accessible formats for our students.

For more information, you can call the Central Access team at (509)963-1373 or email them at

Having Issues with the Site?

The Wildcat Shop is constantly striving to serve all of our customers. If you are having trouble with any area of our website, we would like to hear about it. Please fill out the form below so that we can address the issue as soon as possible.
